Municipal Golf Course Management

 Falling under the category of Public Course, Municipal Golf Facilities are owned and operated by the tax-supported entity that owns them, typically a city or county. Municipal Golf Facilities are open to the public always and are known to be more affordable and accessible to beginners. However, despite having carved out their own niche, municipal golf facilities face a lot of challenges, the majority of which originate from their very business model. As golf facility management and golf course maintenance are technical and specialized disciplines, Municipal Courses typically suffer from a lack of professional knowledge, redundant processes, and unnecessary costs. 

There’s the assumption that management companies aim to terminate and rehire the entirety of a facility’s staff upon the beginning of their contract, but this isn't the case. Management Companies work on the behalf of the facility owner, and therefore carry out the owner’s decisions. While agronomics and maintenance are guided by the management company, the Municipal retains the same level of control it originally had. Your employees are hired by the Management Company, unloading the burden of benefits, payroll, workers compensation, and other HR-related expenses. 

The Management Company additionally provides resources such as equipment and machine purchasing, facility enhancements, accounting, vendor networks, and more, depending on the company and the contract terms. Management companies invest in the facility while providing cost-saving resources. Every facility is unique, as are the circumstances of their maintenance and management. Because of this, there's no cut and dry answer to if outsourcing is the solution you're looking for. Ensuring the longevity and profitability of your municipal golf facility is always top of mind for a facility operator, but they aren't always equipped to achieve it this on their own. 
